ILTS Committee Guidelines

ILTS Committees Policy

Drafted by J R Klinck, ILTS Secretary, July 2017

Approved by ILTS Council September 2017*


This policy statement supplements the bylaws (Article IX) and clarifies Council-approved procedures. The key changes are that leadership of most committees will involve a progression of one-year roles as vice-chair, chair and past-chair, replacing the three-year tenure of a single chair; and that the appointment of committee vice-chairs and members will be made by the president-elect ahead of the annual congress rather than by the same individual as president after the congress. These changes are intended to expand participation in committees and to invigorate committee activity.

1. Committee roles and selection process:

  1. All committee members must be current ILTS members; non-renewal of membership during the term will result in removal from the committee
  2. Committee member terms are 3 years and may be renewed for a further 3 years; no member should serve more than 6 years
  3. Vanguard members must be no older than 42 years when appointed and may not serve beyond age 45
  4. Renewals should only be for exceptional service or appointment as committee vice-chair, as recommended by the chair and approved by the president-elect; however, when health or other circumstances prevent a committee member from serving a significant part of her/his term (> 6 months), consideration can be given to extending the term for a corresponding period
  5. A renewal should be confirmed with the named candidate before new members apply, since this determines the number of available positions and an expiring member may wish to apply to another committee
  6. Members may apply to a maximum of two committees in any calendar year
  7. From 2017 the leadership cycle involves progressive one-year appointments at vice-chair, chair, and past-chair, but the six year maximum holds
  8. Finance Committee is exempted from this new structure since continuity and expertise are critical (single chair with renewable 3 year term remains)
  9. Future vice-chairs are selected by president-elect after consulting current chair, vice-chair and president
  10. No committee chairs may be held concurrently
  11. Vice-chairs and new committee members to be appointed before annual congress to improve handover and congress participation
  12. Online applications for committee positions to open October 1 and close December 31.
  13. New committee members to be selected from submitted applications only
  14. Nominations to be made by committee chair in consultation with committee members, giving due consideration to geographic, specialty and gender representation reflecting the ILTS membership
  15. President-elect approves nominations but may alter selection if clear justification (must have council majority support)

2. Council oversight of committees:

  1. President-elect to oversee all committee processes
  2. Secretary to sit on Membership and Communications Committee
  3. Treasurer to sit on Finance Committee
  4. President-elect to sit on Vanguard Committee
  5. President may assign a council member to other committees
  6. These assignments aim to improve communication between committees (representing membership) and ILTS council & executive

3. Committee functions

  1. Full membership of each committee, with members’ expiry dates and summary application or CV, to be shown on ILTS website, along with agreed terms of reference: aims, tasks, timelines and performance metrics
  2. Terms of reference may be revised by chair when appropriate, with Executive Committee approval

4. Committee reports:

  1. To be submitted three times yearly (August, December, April): progress report and member feedback
  2. To be posted in Committee Forum on website, accessible to all committee and council members, and to all ILTS members at discretion of Executive Committee

5. Committee communications:

  1. Website forum for each committee, also accessible by council members
  2. Links to relevant documents from this forum, e.g. reports to council, member applications, joint documents, etc
  3. Committee group emails to be piloted 2019
  1. Committee traineeship:
  1. Each committee may integrate a maximum of three trainee members
  2. Trainees may not serve on more than one committee at a time
  3. Committee trainees must be members of the Society in good standing; non-renewal of membership during the term will result in removal from the committee
  4. Committee trainee terms are two years and may not be renewed
  5. New committee trainees to be selected from submitted applications only
  6. Nominations to be made by committee chair in consultation with committee members, giving due consideration to geographic, specialty and gender representation reflecting the ILTS membership
  7. President-elect approves nominations but may alter selection
  8. Trainee and Committee Chair to jointly report to the Council twice-yearly


15 MAY 2020: Committee traineeship terms of reference added (section 6.)

16 DECEMBER 2019: Committee reports (4a) – frequency increased from twice to three times in the year following the annual congress: August, December, April

18 APRIL 2018: provision for removal of members whose ILTS membership has lapsed (1a) and details of timing of member selection process and (1l) added by secretary

29 APRIL 2018: Vanguard ages (1c), committee membership renewal rules (1d, 1e), and maximum of two committee applications per year (1f) added by secretary

14 MAY 2018: Introduction added; formal amendment of bylaws proposed (see ADDENDUM below)

11 JUNE 2018: Section 1.l amended to reflect the new timeline

23 JULY 2019: Section 1.d amended to clarify that appointment as committee vice-chair automatically renews the member’s term for three years; also amended to allow extended periods of absence from committee service for health or other reasons to be taken into account in determining the end of the member’s term.

18 MAY 2020: Introducing the committee traineeship (paragraph 6)


Bylaws Article IX – Committees (amendments in italics: these are additions only – no text has been deleted)


“Committees may be created only by these Bylaws or by resolution of the Council to function in a manner provided for herein or in the aforesaid resolution.  Each committee shall have no less than three members, all of whom must be members of the Society in good standing.  Committee chairpersons (including vice-chairs) shall be appointed by the President-Elect, with the approval of the Council.  Committee members shall be appointed by the President-Elect, with the approval of the Council, unless the right to appoint shall be delegated by the Council to the committee chair.

A committee member, including the chairperson, shall, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, serve for three years and may be re-appointed for an additional three years, but may not serve for more than six consecutive years.”